Bride and Groom under the veil in front of the Grand at Willow Springs

A Black and White Classic | The Grand at Willow Springs

I love color, but there is no denying that a black and white palette was the perfect classic touch for Megan and Hayden’s wedding at the Grand at Willow Springs. Their day was joyful and lively from start to finish, but what really stuck out to me the most was how intimate they made it feel even with hundreds of guests present. There were no snap-this-picture-ok-what-is-next moments. Megan and Hayden truly embraced the magnitude of their union and cherished each moment and each person that helped get them there.

Five Things They Did Right at Their The Grand at Willow Springs Wedding

  1. Time for Prayer: Prior to the ceremony, the groomsmen surrounded Hayden and the bridesmaids surrounded Megan (each in their separate rooms) to pray over their marriage. I had the honor of witnessing both events and it was so touching to hear the fervent prayer of pursuit and happiness and Kingdom glorification. Tears were shed, hands were squeezed, and bonds were strengthened.
  2. First Touch: Megan and Hayden opted to not have a first look, but still wanted a private moment together ahead of the ceremony. I cannot emphasize enough how calming this moment is to the nerves. The reassurance of being together, the ability to squeeze the hand of the person you love, and a private moment to exchange gifts, vows, letters, and words is monumental in settling those butterflies and reenergizing your spirit.
  3. Private Dinner: Did you know that most couples who receive plated food along with their guests don’t eat during their reception? Ok, I don’t actually have statistics to back that statement up, but I do have experience on the matter. I highly, highly recommend having a private dinner in a separate room from the reception space. The Grand at Willow Springs was so well thought out that they have multiple spaces you can escape to for this purpose. You likely struggled to eat throughout the day already with all the preparations and nerves, be sure to refuel your body so that you canĀ enjoy the party you’ve planned!
  4. Hired Coordinators Who Can Handle Things: This is exactly why you hire coordinators – to take care of things behind the scenes so that you and your families do not have to worry about it. When BJ and I arrived at The Grand, the reception and ceremony spaces were already fully set up and ready to be photographed. Keri jumped up to help me gather detail items for photos – pulling programs and florals to add as representatives of the day. And we absolutely must give a shoutout to Keri and Whitney for handling it when a vendor overlooked an order and the reception was lacking cookies. They were professional, but most importantly on top of it, and had cookies in hand and placed before guests even had a chance to notice they were missing. (Said vendor is not mentioned below, I’m not trying to blast them as they ARE human and humans make mistakes sometimes. Just trying to point out that great coordinators will find a way to make things work so that you don’t have to worry about them.)
  5. Paying Attention to Their Own Needs: When I tell you that Megan and Hayden said no to going back outside for sunset photos, I know a few jaws will hit the floor. But this might be one of the things that impressed me the most about how they planned and handled their wedding day. They recognized that they were photo-ed out. Reenergizing for them looked like enjoying the guests that came to party with them, not stepping away for more photos. I cannot emphasize this enough:Ā your day is not about the photos, your photos are about your day. We got portraits. More photos at sunset would have been a bonus toĀ us but pushing that would have been a disservice to our couple, whom we were there to serve.


Before you scroll the photos below, I must acknowledge the amazing BJ Matthews who allowed me to second shoot this beautiful wedding at The Grand with him. And on top of that, he encouraged me to practice with my video skills and I will forever be grateful for the blessing he is and the wonderful couples he allows me to work with. All images in this blog were photographed and edited by me.